Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Quarter 1 Observations

Sorry about the huge dump of info, but here it is. So far this year I have:

  • Observed the Perseid meteor shower from a houseboat in Minnesota (I counted 8 meteors)
  • Observed the changing position of the moon day by day
  • Observed Venus and Jupiter when they were at their closest in the morning sky near the moon
  • Observed many constellations, asterisms, and bright stars in the sky including:
    • The summer triangle and associated constellations(Aquila, Cygnus, Lyra)
    • Many of the prominent summer constellations (Sagittarius, Scorpius, Hercules, Ursa Minor, Cepheus, Ophiuchus)
    • In the morning: Orion as well as some first magnitude stars such as Rigel and Sirius
  • Observed the lunar eclipse on October 8th, but was only able to see a partial eclipse before the clouds covered it
  • Observed Mars and Antares in the night sky when they were at their closest

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